Just Do the Thing


Like many of us, I often procrastinate and delay doing the things I don’t really want to do - whether it’s my taxes or cleaning out the garage. It hit me a few years ago that……holy moly……what a waste of time and energy. Sometimes I’ll even get up the nerve to do the thing but decide I need to prolong the suffering with an elaborate array of appetizer tasks - things I don’t really need to do but I convince myself that if I do those things first, THEN I can move on to the dreaded thing. How can I do my taxes before I finally address that closet that’s been bugging me for years? What I finally realized is that I was wasting precious life energy delaying, avoiding, procrastinating. Now, I am getting better and better at JUST DOING THE THING. I don’t want to spend too much of my life energy in a state of dread and anticipation. What’s more, I’m shocked at how often the thing actually takes very little time whereas the amount of time it takes to procrastinate can really add up. The last time I avoided doing my taxes I bet I spent many, many hours in delay tactics and had this terrible feeling of anticipation and avoidance/dread. Once I actually did them, I realized it took maybe an hour. 

So now, more often than not, I just do the thing and move on…..there are always going to be things in our path that we don’t want to do. When I add up the hours spent in procrastination and avoidance I realize it’s not a good way to spend my life energy. I want to spend that energy on things I actually want to do. We think we’re delaying the pain of doing what it is we don’t want to do but we’re actually just prolonging it. So just do the thing!